笔供内容提要(中文 ) 神野久吉据神野久吉1954年11月笔供,他1908年出生于日本爱媛县。1941年3月参加侵华战争,曾任伪大同省公署直辖警察队首席指挥官,阎锡山大同保安总队少校部附。 重要罪行有: 1941年6月13日,在平谷县执行“警戒行动”中,“逮捕约20名村民禁闭在窑洞里,投入了两个喷嚏性瓦斯,并在外头监视禁止外出共约15分钟左右的时间”。 1942年7月15日,“于平鲁县城内十字路北街的农民家屋内,将一位32岁左右的农民妇女强奸了”。 1942年9月13日,“在平鲁县二墩南方2公里半的某村,对一位35岁左右的农民妇女”,“在她的家屋内将她强奸了”。 1945年6月7日,在广灵县南土岭村,“有一位25岁左右的农民妇女在看护着她丈夫的病,又有一位28岁左右的农民妇女给她在一起,在厕所的一角同时将其强奸了”。 “我在日本军时代,杀人17件177名”,“强奸24件24名,强奸未遂5件5名,逮捕10件24名”。
笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English) Kuyoshi Kamino(神野久吉) According to the written confession of Kuyoshi Kamino in November 1954, he was born in Ehime Prefecture, Japan in 1908. In March 1941, he took part in the War of Aggression against China and was successively appointed as chief commander of police directly under the jurisdiction of Datong Government Office, and major and director of Datong Security Forces of Yan Xishan. Major offences: 13 June 1941: during the “guard action” in Pinggu County, “arrested about 20 villagers and had them locked up in a cave, then threw two sneezing gas canisters into the cave, forced the people to stay inside by guarding the cave on the outside for about 15 minutes”; 15 July 1942: “raped a peasant woman aged around 32 in a farmhouse on Shizilu North Street inside the Pinglu County seat”; 13 September 1942: “raped a peasant woman aged around 35 in her home” “in a village 2.5 kilometers to the south of Erdun, Pinglu County”; 7 June 1945: in Nantuling Village, Guangling County, “one peasant woman aged around 25 was looking after her sick husband and another peasant woman aged around 28 was with her. I raped both of them in a corner of the toilet”; “During my time in the Japanese Army, I killed 177 people in 17 cases”, “raped 24 people in 24 cases, attempted to rape 5 people in 5 cases, and arrested 24 people in 10 cases”. |