笔供内容提要(中文 ) 大野泰治据大野泰治1954年11月笔供,他1902年出生在日本高知县。1934年12月志愿充任满洲国警务指导官。1938年10月被派遣到晋北自治政府。1945年8月日军投降后投靠国民党阎锡山部,任太原绥靖公署炮兵集训团上校教官。1950年12月12日在山西被逮捕。 重要罪行有: 1935年8月,从以横道河子为中心的附近地区逮捕来许多中国人民,其中约20名禁拘于横道河子警察署,“用殴打、灌凉水、捆吊等方法拷问。其中2名加上抗日思想浓厚的理由,由石田斩杀了,将头烧焦,说用脑浆配药送来哈尔滨,我吃掉了其中的一个。” 1936年,在滨江省珠河县“参加了以珠河县参事官为首的用警察队约60名组成的无住地带设定工作队(即制造无人区的工作队——译者),” 1936年2月12日,在珠河县公署接收了两名女人,“一名是27岁的赵一曼,”我“用手握或用鞭刺她的手腕弹伤,就共产党的组织和联络关系进行了将近两小时的拷问”。 1936年8月—1937年6月,组织保甲自卫团,并命令在杀害抗联和“通敌分子”时为证明功绩,要割下耳朵。保甲自卫团“于阿城县内枪杀了抗日联军的兵士和工作人员9名,把其中8个人的耳朵和一个人的头割下送来阿城县公署”。 1937年2月,“在滨江省阿城县南门外看到一个年约40岁左右的患癫病的乞丐,坐在城外非常脏,”遂命部下日人警士用亚砒酸放在馒头内把他毒死。第2天听报告说,“给他吃了后毒死了”。 1937年8月左右,在滨江省阿城县永增源,把年约30岁左右的1名抗日联军粮食工作员叫到审讯室,“我亲自用皮鞭殴打拷问,约经过一小时的拷问后,判明此人确系抗日分子”,“遂命警察署的指导官伊藤巡官杀掉”。 1940年5月左右,在应县县城,看到县公署看守所有拘禁长达一年以上的约二十来名中国人,指示他们按死刑、罚金、笞刑3种来判决。“我提出其中5名是八路军的工作员,扰乱县内治安应判处死刑的意见”,县长告诉我说已决定有3人判处死刑,所以我就伪称这是县公署中国人的意见。这3人“枪杀在南门外刑场上”。 我从1935年—1945年,“杀害了中国人35起计654名。”“我放火3起,烧毁民房约47户计146间。”强奸9起14名;拷打37起724名;掠夺合计36起,粮食64000吨,银洋3600元。
笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English) Taiji Ohno(大野泰治) According to the written confession of Taiji Ohno in November 1954, he was born in Kochi Prefecture, Japan in 1902. In December 1934, he volunteered to become a police service instructor of the “Manchukuo”. In October 1938, he was dispatched to the Autonomous Government of North Shanxi. After Japan’s surrender in August 1945, he took refuge in Yan Xishan’s troops and served as colonel instructor of the Artillery Training Camp of Taiyuan Pacification Office. He was arrested on 12 December 1950 in Shanxi. Major offences: August 1935: captured many Chinese people from areas centered around Hengdaohezi and 20 of them were detained in Hengdaohezi Police Station and “tortured through beating, bloating them with water, binding and hanging, etc. Two of them were charged with strong anti-Japanese attitude, and were killed by Ishida, who toasted their heads and said the brains would be sent to Harbin as medicine. I ate one of them”; 1936: in Zhuhe County, Binjiang Province, “joined the Depopulated Zone Working Team (i.e. the team to create depopulated zones, note by the translator) composed of 60 policemen headed by the Military Counselor of Zhuhe County”. On 12 February 1936, Zhuhe County Office received two women. “One of them was Zhao Yiman, 27 years old”. “I” “touched her bullet wound on the wrist with my hand or a whip, while interrogating her about the organization and contact relations of the Communist Party for nearly two hours”; From August 1936 to June 1937: organized a Baojia Self-defense Regiment and ordered the members to cut down the victims’ ears as proof when killing soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army and ‘collaborators’. The Baojia Self-defense Regiment “killed 9 soldiers and staff of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army in Echeng County, and cut down the ears of 8 of them and the head of the ninth person, sending them to the County Office”; February 1937: “I saw an insane beggar aged around 40 outside the south gate of Echeng County, Binjiang Province, sitting there and looking very dirty”. I ordered subordinate Japanese policemen to poison him by putting sub-arsenic acid in a steamed bun. On the next day, I heard the report that “the beggar ate it and was poisoned to death”; Around August 1937: in Yongzengyuan, Echeng County, Binjiang Province, I called a grain operator of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army to the interrogation room, “I personally interrogated him with a whip, and determined after about one hour’s torturing that he was indeed an anti-Japanese element”, “so I ordered Inspector Ito of the Police Department to kill him”; Around May 1940: in the county seat of Yingxian County, I saw about 20 Chinese who had been detained for over one year in the detention house of the Local Government. I instructed them to sentence these people in three ways: death penalty, fine or whipping. “I proposed that 5 of them were operators of the Eighth Route Army and should be sentenced to death for disturbing the order in the county”. When the county magistrate told me that 3 of them had already been sentenced to death, I pretended that the proposal was made by the Chinese people. Later, the three people “were shot dead on the execution ground outside the south gate”; From 1935 to 1945: “killed a total of 654 Chinese people in 35 cases”; “I set fire to and burnt down a total of 47 households with 146 rooms in 3 cases”; raped 14 people in 9 cases; tortured 724 people in 37 cases, and plundered 64,000 tons of grain and 3,600 silver dollars in 36 cases”. |