笔供内容提要(中文 ) 永富博之据永富博之1955年2月笔供,他1916年出生于日本熊本县,1938年在中国江苏省吴江县任华中派遣军宣抚班班员。1945年8月日军投降后投靠国民党阎锡山部。1949年在山西被俘收容,1950年12月9日被逮捕。 重要罪行有: 1938年1月,作为国士馆学生,在到达南京下关前的路上,看到“有好几万连数都数不清的尸体”。在南京下关,将1名跳到江中的“俘虏开枪打死”。 1938年4月,为给将校们示范教育,在吴江县将1名俘虏“用日本刀予以斩首”。将“某中国女性而予奸污。其后经过一周,再赴苏州时,将该妇女带到吴江奸污一周”。 1938年11月,在安庆“叫来中国女性一人在机关内予以奸污。”又于次日在某中国人家里介绍了一位中国女性奸污一次。12月,“于安庆城内某中国人里家将XXX介绍给我(年龄16岁)是夜将其强奸。” 1940年10月,于苏州吴中饭店命差役介绍中国妇女(年龄20岁前后)奸污一次。 1941年5月,“为了对新兵50人进行白刃战教育”,对俘虏“以刺刀由距离10米处起跑,对其中一人予以突刺”。 1942年5月,在山西闻喜县扫荡中,命令中国人工作队(汉奸队)将拒绝带路的中国人枪毙,“尸体放弃于路上。” 1942年8月,搜查闻喜县横水镇东郝庄时,将居民5人“用日本刀在横水镇小北门外空地上予以斩首”。 1942年10月,在闻喜县云泉村、牛庄村一带搜查时,将逮捕的中国人民“全部用刺刀刺死或步枪打死”。 1942年11月,在闻喜县扫荡时,逮捕3名晋南野战军战士,在横水镇情报室,“为了试验在情报所由中国铁匠打制的日本刀能不能斩首,遂于横水镇的地里井的旁边予以斩首”。 1942年12月,在闻喜县下峪口村“用矛子将8个人臀部施予乱刺而予杀害”。在闻喜县东山底村逮捕20多名居民,“用日本刀、切草刀施以惨杀,”并且“于南门上将中国人民的头颅两具枭首示众”。 1943年2月,在闻喜县北白石村扫荡,“将15人带到村庄北面的凹地用步枪把所有人员枪毙”。同日,在盖寨村“由我命令”,由工作队(汉奸队)将9人用步枪枪毙,并将带路人烧死。 1943年10月—11月,在太岳山脉,将中国居民6人,“由高山顶上将全体人员推下去而予以杀害”。 “于某村将中国妇女孩子20人赶到窑洞内予以烧杀”。 1944年7月, 任霍县保安队指导官时,开设慰安所,“目的是用此来把保安队士兵麻痹于女色,杜绝其逃走,况且我自己亦可公然来满足兽欲”。 1944年12月,对霍县李家山一带扫荡时,将村民3人逮捕拷问,由于怎么都不说,“命令士兵将其全部杀害”。在西许村南将11人用步枪打死。 1945年4月,指挥保安队接收俘虏,“将9名眼蒙住、缚手而予以枪毙”。 “于日军时期、协助阎锡山时期及被解放时期,通过所有时期所犯的罪恶之总统计”:对居民射杀88人,刺杀9人,活埋2人,烧杀26人,溺死1人,坠死6人,日本刀或切草刀惨杀41名;中央军、晋南野战军、抗日战士61名。 “我由日本侵略中国以来,直到日本战败为止,将所犯罪恶作一计算来看:由我亲手直接杀害的中国人共计61人”。我命令而杀害的总人数为166名;奉命而下令惨杀者41人。 “对妇女的强奸罪恶7件(其中有夫之妇为5名,姑娘2名);设置安慰所而供日军及保安队员的兽欲罪恶为3件,12名妇女;我奸污的中国妇女为18名(安慰所妇女5名,饭店女招待4名,私娼8名,使女1名)”。
笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English) Hiroyuki Nagatomi(永富博之) According to the written confession of Hiroyuki Nagatomi in February 1955, he was born in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan in 1916. In 1938, he was dispatched to Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province, China as a member of Propaganda Squad in Japan’s Central China Expeditionary Army. After Japan’ surrender in August 1945, he took refuge in the troops of Yan Xishan, a military officer of the Kuomintang. He was captured and taken into custody in Shanxi in 1949 and he was arrested on 9 December 1950. Major offences: January 1938: as a student of Kokushikan University, “I saw tens of thousands of bodies, countless in fact” on the way to Xiaguan, Nanjing, and “I shot dead a captive” who jumped into the river; April 1938: to give generals and officers a demonstration, “beheaded a captive with Japanese sword” in Wujiang County”; “raped a Chinese female. One week later when I went to Suzhou again, I took her to Wujiang and raped her for a whole week”; November 1938: in Anqing, “called a Chinese female to the administration office and raped her there”; and raped another Chinese female in a Chinese people’s home the next day. In December, “raped a 16-year-old girl at night in a Chinese people’s home in Anqing City”; October 1940: in Wuzhong Hotel of Suzhou City, told a clerk to bring a Chinese woman (aged around 20) and raped her once; May 1941: “to give new recruits a lesson on hand-to-hand combat”, “charged from 10 meters away and assaulted a captive”; May 1942: in mopping up Wenxi County, Shanxi Province, told the Chinese working group (Chinese traitors’ group) to shoot dead those Chinese who refused to lead the way and “left their bodies on the road”; August 1942: while searching Donghao Village, Hengshui Township, Wenxi County, “beheaded 5 residents by Japanese sword in the open space outside the small north gate of Hengshui Township”; October 1942: while searching areas around Yunquan Village and Niuzhuang Village in Wenxi County, all the captured Chinese people were “killed by bayonets or rifles”; November 1942: during a mopping up operation in Wenxi County, arrested 3 soldiers of South Shanxi Field Army, who were “behead beside a well in the fields of Hengshui Township, in order to test whether the Japanese sword made by the Chinese blacksmith in the Information Section of Hengshui Township could behead people” ; December 1942: in Xiayukou Village, Wenxi County, “used lances to stab on the buttocks of eight people and finally killed them”; arrested over 20 residents in Dongshandi Village, Wenxi County and “killed them brutally with Japanese swords and straw cutters” and “hanged the heads of two Chinese people publicly on the south gate”; February 1943: while mopping up the Beibaishi Village, Wenxi County, “took 15 people to a hollow area to the north of the village, then shot all of them dead with rifles”. On the same day, in Gaizhai Village, “under my command”, the working group (Chinese traitors’ group) killed 9 people with rifles and burned the guide to death; From October to November 1943: in Taiyue Mountains, “pushed” 6 Chinese residents “all off the mountain top to kill them”; and “drove 20 Chinese women and children in some village to a cave and burned them to death”; July 1944: when serving as the instructor of the Security Team in Huoxian County, set up a comfort station “in order to indulge the Security Team members with women and prevent their escape”, “and I could satisfy my own animal desire too”; December 1944: while mopping up areas around Lijiashan, Huoxian County, arrested 3 villagers and interrogated them with torture, failing to get any information from them, “ordered the soldiers to kill them all”; killed 11 people with rifle to the south of Xixu Village; April 1945: instructed the Security Team to take over the captives, “blindfolded 9 captives, tied their hands and shot them to death”; “During my service in the Japanese Army, in the Yan Xishan troops and in the war of liberation, I committed the following crimes: to the residents: shooting to death 88, stabbing to death 9, burying alive 2, burning to death 26, drowning 1, dropping from height and killing 6, and killing with Japanese sword or straw cutter 41; and killed 61 soldiers from the Central Army, South Shanxi Field Army and Anti-Japanese Army”; “All the crimes I committed from the start of Japan’s invasion of China to Japan’s surrender include: personally killed 61 Chinese people”, ordered the killing of 166 people, and ordered the killing of 41 people under a superior order”; “Crime of rape in 7 cases (including 5 married women and 2 unmarried girls); established a comfort station, where Japanese soldiers and Security Team members committed three crimes of animal desire, involving 12 women; I myself raped 18 Chinese women (5 comfort women, 4 restaurant waitresses, 8 unlicensed prostitutes and a maidservant)”.